Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Nine Keys that will cause your Fruit to Remain

ATTTENTION Business Owners
What is commonly taught but seldom caught!
 Nine Keys that will cause your Fruit to Remain

  • Love
    • Love what you do!  Your passion will take you as far as you desire to go with your business.  Most of the time people give other people the benefit of their passion and not themselves.  If you are passionate about what you do and have ever worked for someone else, then you may have been passionately working at a high level of proficiency and effectiveness because you loved the work.  They were making a great deal of profit from your passion. You can enjoy the profit from your passion.
    • Love those you provide a service or a product to.  Customers are aware of the passion you have for what you do and it creates an excitement in them. 
    • Customers respond to the way you respond to them.  It does not matter how important your excuse is, when it comes to your customers there is no such thing as having a bad day.  It doesn’t matter how great your product or service is, if you neglect or treat your customer poorly you make an unconscious decision to decrease your profits.
  • Joy
    • There is strength in joy.  Excitement adds energy while disinterest drains energy.  Joy does not equal to happiness, you may not be happy about the long hours you have to devote to the business.  Starting up a business does require long hours of planning, preparation, activation and commitment to the success of your dream, but the joy is rejoicing for the opportunity to make a profit for the passion inside of you. 
    • Joy also draws.  A business can have a product that is equal to or inferior to their competitor but joy will make the difference.  Joy produces after itself. 
  • Peace
    • Be at peace with yourself and your business idea.  Peace of mind is a great encourager when situations and circumstances appear not to be in your favor.  When you know that all is well with what you are doing you can have peace in the midst of what appears to be chaos.  When you do the best that you can do and do it with integrity you can have peace.  Often people that are not connected to your vision will complain or criticize supposing that you can do better and have not done your best.  But when you know that you have done your best, to submit to complaints about it implies that your best is inadequate.  When you know that you have done all that is right you can sleep at night.
    • Peace will allow you to remain calm in the midst of growing pains.  It will allow you to keep a leveled head to create a solution.  Remember, there is nothing new under the sun, therefore look for the solution.  Someone else has already solved some of your problems.  
    • Whenever possible, keep the peace.  Remember, the customer is always right.   Find a way to work with your client.  Make sure that they understand that you are working for them not against them even if they are difficult.  Sometimes, however, this is not possible.
  • Patience
    • Being patient will be one of your greatest challenges.  It may not seem that your progress is at the level you expect during the developmental stages of your business.  But remember, you are pregnant with purpose and purpose does not get in a hurry.
    • Be patient in dealing with people.  If you are not a people person, put someone that loves people between you and the people.  
    • It is difficult to avoid people if you are a business owner.  You have to interact with vendors, customers, employers and government officials.
    • Patience will carry you further than explosiveness, intolerance or utter disgust.  
  • Gentleness
    • Handle with care.  Often, new business owners are so zealous that they neglect themselves and their families.  Remember the reason you started the business.  The business exists for you, you don’t exist for the business alone, and your health can’t be bought with wealth.
    • Handle the people carefully, don’t be abrupt and respond to your customers as if you are doing them a favor.
    • Differentiate between the dollar and the individual purchaser of goods and services.
    • You are dealing and doing business with human beings with human needs and feelings.
  • Goodness
    • Goodness prevents enviousness and rivalry within a business infrastructureIt should be your business practice to operate as a team as you implement the vision, mission and goals of the company. 
    • Kindness is a very important key to customer satisfaction.  How many places do you return to where the individuals were not kind to you?
  • Faith
    • You must have faith in your business idea and your ability to produce profit from that idea.  You must also have faith in your ability to provide a needed service or product for the market that you target.  You should have the ability to delegate to others the task that you can not proficiently accomplish yourself and have the faith that you can get whatever you need that you personally lack to accomplish your business goals. Do what you do best and allow others to complement you by doing the things that you don’t have the time or the ability to perform. 
    • Have faith in your business.  No one should be able to cause you to doubt 
    • Have enough confidence to back what you provide not only with word but with deed:  a guarantee, warranty, refund or exchange.  There will be times however, when you must say no refunds on particular products or services because for every transaction there must be a fair exchange.
  • Meekness
    • Pride and arrogance can be detrimental to a business.  Shooting yourself in the foot does not help the rest of your body even if your foot deserves it.  Sometimes, you may have to humble yourself to accomplish a particular business goal even if you are the one that is in the right.  That is not a weakness but rather strength.
    • You don’t have to put down another company’s product or service to advance your own.  If your product or service is unique, excellent, and marketable it will be well sought after, it will speak for itself and others will sing its praises.
  • Temperance
    • Self control is very important; you must be able to discipline yourself regarding business and finance practices.  If you can not rule yourself you can not manage a business; you can not manage people; you can not manage money; nor can you manage inventory. 
    • Be aware of who you are and operate accordingly.  You are a leader.  You are a manager.  You are you a producer.  You are operating in your passion and purpose.  You are the Chief Executive Officer and the President.   

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